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Strategy, verbal and visual identity
Chain of shoes, clothes and accessories stores for the whole family
Create a brand and fill it with meaning. Build brand awareness and reach new audiences. Prior to this, stores opened without a single style and could differ significantly from each other.
Developed in 40 days
Input data
Several elements of the brand, at the request of the client, must remain unchanged.
1. Name "Confiscate"
2. Descriptor "warehouse store"
3. Yellow color
The visual identity should emphasize the past positioning "warehouse-shop"

The problem was also that the store's customers associated the confiscation only with shoes, and there is a huge selection of clothes, bags and accessories for the whole family.
Our Flaws
Our advantages
Insights of TA
Barriers for TA
Why are they buying it?
At what price?
Who are we selling to?
What are we selling?
Beginning of work
If you want to increase demand, limit access
After our first meeting in one of the capital's stores, I found out that there is a little more than a month to update the brand. The opening of two new stores with new branding was already planned for the end of November
Lines for goods, the inability to buy the same product in different stores, the inability to buy online - this is a scarcity strategy. It works, but dictates a certain tone of voice to the brand.
There was not much time, so I immediately got to work:
Introduce a strategist and copywriter
having received an advance payment =)
Conduct a zoom call with the client and all participants in the process
After the conversation, within a week, we formed answers to questions
Impudent. Bold. Frank. Youth
Our main enemy is embarrassment and shame. Gotta tame him
There is a feeling of awkwardness, a certain sense of guilt or shame for having to buy in the low-budget segment.
We want to work with awkwardness by turning it into another emotion:
► I have everything under control
► I'm a good guy, I pull everything
► I myself choose where and on what and how much I spend
We have developed two brand strategy concepts
  • Here you choose
  • Shopping without marketing
We have developed two brand strategy concepts
Here you choose
Shopping without marketing
Concept #1
Often the opportunity to choose a variety of models is provided to people in the medium, medium plus, high segments. The confiscator refutes this dogma and is guided by the desire to give a person just a lot of cool shoes and clothes. Choice - product advantage
A store with a huge assortment, the ability to choose from a million models of your own, at a low price.
Brand message
Here you choose
style-forming elements
Concept #2
In the high and medium segments, there is carefully thought out marketing, where it is based on the desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else, the desire to appear super cool, exceptional and fashionable.

But what if we assume that marketing is the main margin on the cost of a pair of shoes or clothes. What if we prefer to give people a fair price, but no show-offs. Just a lot of normal clothes and shoes without marketing extra charges. Just for people.
Shop with clothes and shoes for those who do not want to overpay.
Brand message
Shopping without marketing
We choose the first concept, but we want to see a different sign in the logo
— Client
Finalization of the concept
We started developing the first concept. The client asked for more associations with the warehouse in the visual component and to replace the sign in the logo, while retaining the arrow.
What can not be found in the Confiscation!
There is only one rule: here you choose.
Confiscation has great prices
and a look for the whole family.
in the shopping center all the discounts are bullshit, here is Black Friday every day!
Looking for a cool choice and price? Go to Confiscation! For you and your family.
More than 20 short poems were also written to reflect the brand's new spirit. These rhymes can be found on posters and will also be played in stores through the audio system.
Working with the sign in the logo
The client chose sign #3 and we added a descriptor to the logo. Here's what happened in the end
Visual identity
RGB: 243 224 59
CMYK: 100 80 35 20
RAL: 1018
RGB: 34 34 34
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
HEX: 222222
Montserrat (black)
Druk wide
Graphic elements of the identity
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